Need Info On Plaubel 5 x 7 : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Does anyone own/use a Plaubel 5 x7? I am interested in purchasing one, and would like a little background info on the pro/cons of owning a Plaubel 5 x 7 Monorail. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks James Driscoll

-- James Driscoll (, November 02, 1999



I have a Plaubel Peco Junior, a 6cm x 9cm monorail. Don't know what help this is, except to say that it is exquisitely engineered, and everything seems industrial strength. Only weak point on mine are the roll film holders, but I guess that won't worry you with a 5 x7!

-- Ken Munn (, November 02, 1999.

Hi, James: In the early '70s when I became interested in LF photography, I started browsing around around N.Y. City. At the recent open Calumet Center, I picked up a pamphlet concerning the Plaubel Profia Mark II. Is it the same model that you are interested? Same principle as the Sinar Norma i.e modular system. I opted for the Norma. If you wish, I can send you a xerox copy of what I have. Nowadays, I think the Norma has more readily available accessories for its modular system. Best wishes, Tito.

-- Tito Sobrinho (, November 07, 1999.

> Plaubel Peco Junior

Speaking of which, how do you like that little camera?

Would it be functional with a wide lens such as a 35mm?

-- John Hicks (, November 07, 1999.


I very much enjoy using it - a huge change from today's auto- everything SLR's. Can't claim to be a serious user (yet) because I need to find time to devote to a photo project which would suit it. Difficult to fit in with family and work and new house, and...

I have an Angulon 65mm barrel lens with which I have played, but not yet with film behind it. Because it has no shutter, I need to find a suitable low light, slow film subject which will let me time exposure with a wrist watch. Maybe an interior using Velvia? The 65 does need the bag bellows which came with it. By my (shaky) reckoning a 65mm on 6x9 is 35mm equivalent to a 25mm lens. So a 35mm lens would be equivalent to about a 14mm lens. Pretty radical and I couldn't be sure the standards would rack together close enough to let it focus. Never know without trying though!

What I love about it is the sheer utilitarian beauty of all its mechanicals - everything seems brilliantly executed for its purpose and built for posterity - no planned obsolesence here. I stopped understanding how cars worked in about the 1970 model year, now I never look under the hood. I've never known what goes on inside a computer. The interior workings of a Canon EOS are a total mystery to me. Yet a wheel barrow, a bicycle and a view camera can be understood just by looking at them. But I'm a view camera virgin, maybe they are all beautifully and simply built.

-- Ken Munn (, November 09, 1999.

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