New catalogue - bulk spices, herbs, tea, mixes, CHEESE POWDERS, more : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

For those who lead busy lives, catalogues are a lifesaver. Or if you don't drive any more (like me) and you get tired of asking to be taken everywhere. I just got this catlogue and I've never ordered from these people before, but they certainly have some good-sounding stuff. Besides the old familiar names, there are:

Asafoetida, citric acid, Ceylon cinnamon sticks (the best), epazote (the anti-gas herb for bean cooking--finally, someone has it!), juniper berries, orris root powder, and sumac berries.

Mixes (other than those commonly available):

Tandoori powder, vindaloo powder, Jamaican spice, mulling spices, tomato-pesto blend, variety of seasonings to sprinkle on chips, pretzels, etc., salad dressing mixes, cheese powders (cheddar, parmesan, paremsan/romano, swiss, blue), meat stocks, soup bases, seafood extract powders--I'm quitting here, getting hungry!

There are also sweet powders, maple granules, bulk teas, bulk medicinals, all sorts of accessories and grinders.

Web site:

-- Old Git (, October 29, 1999


Penzeys is also a good source for spices. I have ordered from them and their stuff is excellent. For those wondering what the heck epazote is: It is supposed to be added to bean dishes to reduce the gas! I tried it and it seemed to help.

I think the website is:

-- Ynott (, October 31, 1999.

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