My power company is NOT Y2k compliant!!!!!!!! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
I wrote the check this evening to pay my light bill. In amongst all the other crap inserted with my bill was a little flyer titled "Energy Y2K Update".Inside I found this interesting statement: "We successfully "date forwarded" all baseload generating stations to the year 2027. Clocks will remain date-forwarded to ensure that all possible key dates have been encountered. We'll reset them in the spring of 2000."
Reading between the lines I would say that either the power company knows that their equipment is not Y2k compliant or that they have low confidence that it is. The significance of the year 2027 is that its calendar is identical to 1999 (day-of-week vs date and non-leap-year) and that at year end a two-digit representation increments by one rather than decrementing by 99 to 00. Likewise 2028 has the same calendar as 2000. Once past Feb 29 their should be no problem with resetting the year to 2000 provided they don't have a look-back process longer than 60 days.
Sounds like kind of a hoaky work-around. But hey, I don't care so long as my lights stay on and they don't screw up my bill.
-- Mikey2k (, October 28, 1999
Hey Mikey2k--Hope no one confuses the handles. It is hokey! It's the old hokey dokey routine. It's all sooo sad, isn't it? Maybe they should have read Dr. Gordons white papers, and the IEEE reports, and .... Oh well, as long as they are prepared for FOF. Bwahahahahahah!
-- Michael (, October 29, 1999.