Excellent Grain Sitegreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread |
Just recently received my order of grains and other essentials (dried eggs, canned meats, Non-hybrid seeds, etc.) from Pleasant Hill Grain.http://www.pleasanthillgrain.com/
Just wanted to let anyone who may be interested in acquiring any more preps that I highly recommend making your purchase here.
I have mixed the diatomaceous earth (included free with order) with my grains (wheat, oats, corn, and soybeans) at the instructed rate of one cup DE to 50 lbs. of grain.
These grains are very clean and of high quality. The wheat and soybeans can even be planted to grow more. The corn will also sprout and grow but is of a hybrid variety. The oats have been heat stabilized and therefore will not sprout. I understand that oats still in the hull are available if anyone wishes to sprout their own later.
The person I dealt with is Gary Hansen. He answered all of my emails promptly, sometimes within minutes. He even called the trucking company to help fix a problem I had with my local distribution company.
At only $10-$15 per 50 lb bag, I consider it very cost effective insurance against any future food supply problems, whatever their cause.
I plan on ordering more soon in case my neighbors find themselves in need.
-- Chris Davis (cdphf@thegrid.net), October 27, 1999
thanks for the info. this is not the first time I've heard good things about this company. I need cheese and eggs. Sounds like the place.
-- (rcarver@inacom.com), October 27, 1999.
I have personally driven over to Gary's place to pick up supplies and can say that I'm delighted with his service and care. Many resturants aren't as neat and clean as his grain storage building. I found him very very helpful and courteous. I would not hesitate to highly recommend him.http://www.pleasanthillgrain.com
-- Ken Seger (kenseger@earthlink.net), October 27, 1999.
www.honeyvillegrain.com has it all!!! Low, low prices!
-- freddie (freddie@thefreloader.com), October 28, 1999.