Episodes to view on internet?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

How come they don't have episodes that you can watch on the internet or do they? If so, where?

-- (djbow2@pop.uky.edu), October 27, 1999


You got me. They should get some shows on the internet. That would be awesome. I would certainly watch it. If I do find any info on internet episodes I'll let ya know.

-- (Aeonfluxfan1@Aol.com), February 14, 2000.

It's Aeon presents Aeon Flux starring Aeon. Airs Saturday at midnight on www.fugyou.com

Yes, it has come to this. My muse lost it's edge.

-- Frostbite (mbkrooks@bellsouth.net), February 14, 2000.

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