color film for portraits : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I was surfing photo sites and came upon some portraits that a girl took. The photos almost looked like they were handcolored because the colors were not as vivid as a usual color print and the face was very white. I was wondering if there is a type of color film out there that does this. I really don't think the photos were black and white and handcolored, but I love the look of the photos, very sutle looking, pastel like. Anyone know of a color film that will give this kind of look? Thanks!

-- Erin Conroy (, October 26, 1999


Sounds a lot like hand-coloring to me, but if not maybe it was taken on slide film and cross-processed in color negative chemistry? This can result in more washed out highlights and an unusual color palette.

-- Andrew Patteson (, March 28, 2000.

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