Older Schneider (25mm mount) enlarging lens still OK?greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I recently purchased a used Schneider Componon 80 f/5.6 enlarger lens, and didn't think to ask before I bought it if it had a 39mm or 25mm mount. It turns out it's a 25mm mount, and looks really tiny next to my Schneider Componon-S 50 f/2.8 (which is 39mm mount).Am I correct in assuming I can make a lens board with the correct sized whole and still use this lens? I'm finding it hard to believe that such a little lens will cover 6x6, although I know it must. Will I lose anything by doing this? The lens is in decent shape otherwise.
-- Keith Kanoun (kanoun@connix.com), October 22, 1999
If you want to bother trying to special-order one from B&H or whoever, Schneider makes a 25mm-39mm adaptor ring.Any modern 80mm lens will be significantly better than that oldie....but otoh you already have is so may as well give it a try.
-- John Hicks / John's Camera Shop (jbh@magicnet.net), October 23, 1999.
Thanks for the reply. I think I'll just make up a lens board with the smaller hole - I doubt ordering the Schneider adapter would be very cost effective. We'll see how it works out.
-- Keith Kanoun (kanoun@connix.com), October 23, 1999.
Hi,A while back I picked up a couple used lenses- a Schneider Comparon 75mm f/4.5 and a Componon 35mm f/4.0. They both have the smaller mount, 25mm, not quite an inch, and look amazingly puny compared to any modern lens. The thread is very fine, .5mm or maybe smaller. Though I suspect they couldn't compete with modern designs on the test bench, they seem perfectly adaquate in the enlarger. I made a lens board from some sheet aluminum, but you can also use a couple thicknesses of matte board, depending on the design of the enlarger. Hopefully you have the matching retaining ring to fasten them. BTW, everyone says to use a top notch enlarging lens, as do I, but I've also never run into a really bad one! I used a $12 Printz lens back in high school, and the prints (2 1/4 sq. negs) still look sharper than any 35mm work I do today.
-- Conrad Hoffman (choffman@rpa.net), October 24, 1999.
I have a old 85mm f4.5 that is a 25mm mount. Some one gave me the same lens in a 39mm mount and the only difference is the size of the lens body.No difference in the optic size of glass.
-- Larrye Edye (WA4GMS@webtv.net), October 24, 1999.