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greenspun.com : LUSENET : Coldwell Banker : One Thread

It appears that you have had a rough go of it with your situation. I find it hard to believe that you have been ignored for two years. What really happened? I have worked for this company for over ten years and my parents for over 25, never have I heard of a sitation like this not being taken care of in a timly manner.

We do take pride in being proffesionals and I am sorry if your situation has hurt you.

If I were you I would not bother with the local manager or Vice president contact the home office of National Realty Trust, NRT in New Jersey or Cendant, Parent company and ask to speak with proper authority.

Good Luck

-- Robert Bents (rbents4re@aol.com), October 20, 1999


I wouldn't waste my time with the Stamford, CT NRT office. The Customer service is at the bottom of its list of priorities. My experience has shown that this attitude permeates throughout her entire organization.... all the way down to the majority of the managers and agents. All the caring customer focused agents have already scramed!

-- Jeb Norris (phantomct_2000@aol.com), April 20, 2000.

I am in California and am being Screwed by Coldwell Banker and there agents for disclosure when they knew more than I and advised me incorrectly to my detriment. Now they don't know who I am after taking a sales fee for 26k. I am being sued by the buyer of my townhome and they want me to pay for their bad so called professional advice. I am not going down without a fight. Anyone with any help or advice would be welcomed. DON'T USE CLODWELL BANKER...05/26/00

-- Jim Grim (MOKEEMO@aol.com), May 26, 2000.

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-- Your Full Name (Your Email Address@greenspun.com), July 06, 2003.

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