Pinched from CSY2K: Hacker says he could down 30 elec. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
link"Recovery from blackouts masterminded by crackers would be slow if utility operators were sent hunting after red herring Y2K problems, Bradner said."
-- lisa (, October 18, 1999
Hi Lisa.That story was from the Wall Street Journal site last week. Those hackers, from L0pht in Boston were profiled in the NYTimes magazine a couple of weeks ago. Favorite line from the WSJ piece: "Heck, the damn Y2K 'consultants' are much more dangerous than any mythical 'hacker.'"
-- (, October 18, 1999.
I've seen more smoke cf utilites today than I have all year combined, it seems......How many days ? - 74.
-- lisa (, October 18, 1999.
I seem to be having a small problem with my Tandy. It won't let me cut and paste anything, and you know how important that is to me. If any of you doomers know what the problem with it might be, please email asap.
-- Y2K Pro (, October 18, 1999.
Y2kPro, I think your Tandy is doomed.
-- James Chancellor, PE. (, October 18, 1999.
Y2K Pro,Anyone who e-mails you is e-mailing a sap. 8^)
-- Don (, October 18, 1999.