OT (maybe?): Retail Sales for September Pave the Way for Record

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Retail Sales for September Pave the Way for Record Breaking Year - Holiday 1999 Looking Very Merry


Notable Quote:

``Consumer spending has continued unabated and defied the experts who have consistently predicted restraint and slow growth,'' said NRF President Tracy Mullin. ``It looks like consumers will have the last laugh of the millennium.''

Will they be laughing?. Are they just laughing idiots now or maybe they will be laughing later because they wont repay their debts?. Consumers are maxing out credit cards and shopping like mad and not saving. The experts were expecting common sense to kick in and its not and the National Retail Federation is giddy about this, the NRF thinks this is a good thing. Imagine if people suddenly cant pay their minimums on the credit cards and we see massive bankruptcys. Imagine if Y2k hits even moderatly and people realize paying off their debts is the last thing they are worried about. The NRF is looking for this Holiday season to be the biggest EVER in history in sales. The experts are confounded and dont know what to make of it. Well, you cant spend forever, at sometime you do have to pay it back and if Y2k hurts us at all this could be the worst season of spending fever ever.

-- hamster (hamster@mycage.com), October 14, 1999

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