c print

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

How is a C print created?

-- marcia mahon (diceeyes@aol.com), October 14, 1999


Could you be a little more specific?

-- Ellis Vener (evphoto@insync.net), October 14, 1999.

It is a 'normal' color print from a 'normal' color negative.

-- Dan Smith (shooter@brigham.net), October 15, 1999.

The 'C' is for chromogenic, meaning that the color dyes are chemically formed in the emulsion during color development, much like color negative film. As Dan wrote, it is a negative-working process used to print from a color negative. Today's 'C' prints are made by the RA-4 process.

An 'R' (reversal) print is also chromogenic, but reversal-processed to give a positive print directly from a positive slide or transparency.

For concise introduction to color processes, I recommend Henry Horenstein's Color Photography: A Working Manual.

-- Sean Donnelly (smd@alumni.rice.edu), October 15, 1999.

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