Journaller Meetings : LUSENET : Shining Interactive : One Thread

Journallers: Do you enjoy meeting other journallers, or have you shied away from such possibilities? Readers: Would you enjoy being able to meet your favourite online writers face to face?

-- Dreama (, October 11, 1999


I love meeting other journallers if I read them. i think it would be a little odd to not have a least something to start conversations with when you first meet. But I could be wrong. You also can/could get a false sense of familiarity because you read a person's journal (especially the non-reciprocal kind) which can be a touch disconcerting.

So far I've only met, Columbine, Patrick and Iko...and those were wonderful meetings. There are many others whom I'd like to meet, Dreama being number one.

-- tekay (, October 25, 1999.

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