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I have a Besseler Printmaker 35 enlarger and I want to know if it has the capabilities to do 120 film. Thanks in advance!

-- Erin Conroy (, October 09, 1999


Slim to none. The optics of the enlarger will not cover the larger negative. If it is a condenser type the condenser lens will not cover the negative corner to corner and the enlarger lens will be to short of focal lenght.

-- Larrye Edye (, October 10, 1999.

even if you were to change to a 75m lens?

-- Erin Conroy (, October 10, 1999.

If it is called a "35" enlarger, it probably won't take film larger than 35mm. Take a look at where the film goes. Take out the negative holder, and try to put some 120 film in there. If it can go in, turn on the enlarger, and see if it is fully illuminated.

-- Alan Gibson (, October 10, 1999.

Some of the smaller enlargers can do 120, but you have to buy a new mixing chamber for the light. Of course you will also need new negative holders.

I don't remember if the Printmaker series is like this, but if there is a Printmaker 67 or similar, it probably can be done. I would check the Beseler web site.

-- Terry Carraway (, October 12, 1999.

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