GPS Rollover Military : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
For those who are interested in aviation, you might find the Oct 4, 1999 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology interesting. The Pentagon has admitted to significant problems with "two primary mission planning systems" for the Air Force and Navy which provide critical targeting data to various weapons systems. The article doesn't detail which weapons, but a good guess would be cruise missiles and some of the other precision guided stores. They talk about a "short term fix" without being too specific and go on to say that a long term fix is a software upgrade.Same issue has a small article on Indian officials saying they will be Y2K-Ready. Seems they just finished assessment... hmmmmm.
Same issue has Robert Crandall (retired chairman of American Airlines) blasting the FAA for "the worst (traffic) delays in five years". Crandall blames the entire federal government for "squandering $27 billion of taxpayers' money on failed ATC upgrades.
Same issue talks about "Major Risks Surround Russia's Y2K Readiness". Get this - the Russian military have asked the Pentagon for $15.5 million worth of equipment for nuclear warhead handling, security response forces, medical support, firefighting and backup communications". Gee that makes me all warm and fuzzy. Now why didn't I hear that on the network news? I didn't make this stuff up folks. Aviation Week & Space Technology is a very conservative magazine targeted to aviation professionals. I think of it as the New England Journal of Medicine for aviation. The Russian article alone should be scarying the **** out of the nation - very odd how the citizens of a free nation can be so unware.
-- RDH (, October 07, 1999
Thanks, and nice to see you CAN STILL FIND THE FORUM, dude!!DOn't be such a stranger, OK???
-- Chuck, a night driver (, October 07, 1999.
Hey, RDH, what free nation?
-- Jim the Window Washer (, October 08, 1999.