Smart Media for Oly Cameras : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Just a semi-dumb question, but here goes! What is the life/use expectancy (not considering physical abuse) of a Smart Media cards: more specific, the type used with the OLY 400 series cameras? I've been told (by non-professionals) that these Smart Media cards have concealed batteries within the card which limits their usefull life; is this correct?

-- Bill Parker (, October 07, 1999


I don't think so. The contacts are exposed however, some people say they see wear after many insertions, and wonder if the cards might fail as a result. I haven't heard of any failures from this though.

By the time it does wear out you'll be able to get 4 gig flash cards in gumball machines, and your images will have been burned on to 4 terrabyte dvd-4 disks. :)

-- benoit (, October 07, 1999.

Our February 1999 Camedia for our Olympus is still going strong on the original battery. We really like it (and it is used often by two in the family.)

-- Eileen Morrisot (, October 07, 1999.

Question for Thanks for your response. Would you share with me a brief background of your expertise in the field of Digital Photography, ie: a professional photographer, vendor, or one who just enjoys this field of technology? Just wondering!


-- Bill Parker (, October 09, 1999.

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