Collodion Processes : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Alternative Process : One Thread

I am just getting in to alternative processes and have found a printing which is done on glass called ambrotyping. It can also be done on metal which is called ferrotyping. This photographic process was around in the 1800's and was very popular during the Civil War. I am looking for any books describing the process of exposing and developing pictures as they did during the 1800's. Any help in finding this would be greatly appreciated.

-- Shandrake (, October 06, 1999


You may be able to get some help with this on a web site devoted to Civil War re-enactors - the web site is forums/collodion/wetplate.html. This particular URL will point you to the discussion forum about wet-plate collodion photography. But if you poke around the site you will find some more references. There is an out of print book called "Silver Sunbeam" by J.Towler, M.D. - Morgan and Morgan reprinted the book in 1969 but the original was published in 1864. It's hard to come by and may fetch premium price. You amy also subscribe to the Collodion Journal published by Mark and France Osterman - who also give workshops in wet-plate collodion technique at the George Eastman House in Rochester New York. You can inquire about the Journal and workshops by e-mailing them at Hope this helps.

Ian Doyle

-- Ian Doyle (, October 19, 1999.

If you are seriously interested in obtaining a copy of a text describing a "how to" approach to ambrotyping, you might wish to seek out a copy of "A Modern Guide to Ambrotyping" by Thomas P. Feldbevel. Submitted as a discertation for an M.F.A. from Rochester Institute of Technology, the book details the process in depth. Good luck in finding a copy, but if you contact R.I.T. they might be able to help you.

-- Anon E. Muss (, April 26, 2000.

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