MRE Bread - found a source : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

I have been looking for shelf-stable bread. Bought some of the canned brown bread but was unable to find locally, the Dromedary canned bread mentioned on other threads. Went surfing the net, and only could find MRE meals, finally found a site that offers a case of MRE bread for $33.15 X24 loaves @ 6oz each. Not cheap, but I didn't want to spend the first month of Y2K using up fuel resources for baking. If this helps anyone else here is the link:

Usual disclaimers, not associated in any way. BTW they have online ordering and rapid delivery times per their statement (I'll let you know how long it takes to get mine). Hope this is helpful to someone

Just keepin' on, keepin' on

-- Sammie Davis (, October 05, 1999


By the way, does anyone have a source for any of the canned breads mentioned in earlier threads, as well? I've learned a lot since reading this forum-- canned bread was a new one on me. Looked for it one of the last times I was at the store, but didn't find any...

Sammie, will you let us know how it compares with "real" bread when you get it? You know, taste, texture... that kind of thing. Thanks,

-- winter wondering (, October 05, 1999.

We get our Dromedary date nut bread at Krogers. (We like it much better than the B&M brown bread, and I don't remember where we got that.) For some reason Kroger keeps it in the baking aisle, low on a shelf near the baking soda. Comes in a can with a dark pink label. They used to have only a couple of cans, but since we've been buying so much, today they had six cans for sale. Have we influenced Kroger's inventory of that item in only a month or so? That JIT system is (was) great, huh?

-- Pearlie Sweetcake (, October 05, 1999.

At my store, the B&M brown bread is near the cans of baked beans.

-- dakota (, October 05, 1999.

nasty funky MRE bread...ahh the memories. Tell ya...great source for this is near any major military base. Make freinds w/ some grunts. They throw out the shelf-nasty-bread by the caseload during feild problems. cultivate the military'll get it for free!!!

-- Billy-Boy (, October 05, 1999.

I would recommend canning the bread in large mouth pint jars. Experiment and I am sure this can be done with white or wheat. It would HAVE to be better than MRE's. I would also recommend you experiment with baking bread on a covered outdoor BBQ grill. After all, many people bake all of their bread in ovens fired by wood.

-- smfdoc (, October 05, 1999.


Glad to oblige, will post time it takes to arrive and will personally taste test. I don't expect it to be like homemade, however, with all those beans and rice, soups and such thought it would be a good go together. I still want to find the Dromedary bread just to have variety.

Sammie ;-)

-- Sammie Davis (, October 05, 1999.

I am stocking up on just add water pancake mix. Makes very good bread for peanut and jelly sandwiches.

-- Carol (, October 06, 1999.

I vote for home canned bread! Learned about it last summer and tried it......opened some a couple weeks ago and was AMAZED at how fresh and good, though small, it is! Went right to work and canned a bunch more.

I use the bread maker to make the dough, then let it rise in the wide mouth pint jars, bake and place lids on as soon as its done.

If you don't have a bread machine, how about using the frozen ready-bake-dough?

Or if you're REALLY brilliant, make your own dough!! :)

-- Sheila (, October 07, 1999.

Here are two sites on canned bread from the old forum:

-- Old Git (, October 08, 1999.

Just received my case of MRE bread today 10/15/99 - ordered on 10/5/99, pretty quick delivery. I opened a loaf and it felt fresh to the touch (good bounce), when tasting it reminded me of my potato bread recipe (of course, mine is much better!). The bread is solid and each loaf is square and squat like a slice of bread on it's side, it is equivalent to about 4 slices of regular bread. I am sure happy with it as an another choice for bread on hand and not worry about it degrading in the near future. Just thought you might like the update.

-- Sammie Davis (, October 15, 1999.

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