French nuclear power plants, they will stop them ??? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I heard that France will stop their nuclear power plants until Jan.3. Is this true ?

-- KAWAGUCHI Susumu (, October 03, 1999


Where exactly did you hear this?

-- Source, please (, October 03, 1999.

I heard it from the newspaper, the name Kankyo Shinbun, kankyo means environment, shinbun means newspaper in Japanese. So I suspected the article, because any media did not provide any news about it. I got a mail about the article a short while ago, and he said France will stop their experiment plants only. Sorry, my poor English.

-- KAWAGUCHI Susumu (, October 04, 1999.


I thought I read something recently about nuclear plants in France, but I think it was that they thought they were safe. Since France uses nuclear for about 80% of their power, I'd guess that they have quite a few plants. Perhaps they are going to shutdown to be safe, but don't know if they have an alternative to meet their demands.

-- @ (@@@.@), October 04, 1999.

I also heard this about 2-3 months ago, but can't remember where...

-- Y2KGardener (, October 04, 1999.

No, I sincerely doubt that the French will close their major power supply...

-- Mad Monk (, October 05, 1999.

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