If you don't have a bike, it's time to buy one now!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

Also buy extra tires and a pump, lock, etc. I grew up in Europe during World War II and our tires wore out about 1943. From then on we rode the bikes on tires made from wooden hoops. Very slick around the turns!

-- freddie (freddie@thefreeloader.com), October 03, 1999


I was just talking with my hubby about this yesterday. I mentioned to him that I'd read somewhere within these forums about someone designing a bike with a little wagon type deal attached. I'm thinking about getting a little used wagon to carry whatever I need to get home.


-- beej (beej@ppbbs.com), October 04, 1999.

I have a BikeE recumbent bike and a BOB Yak trailer that can haul 70 lbs. I use it frequently to haul 50 lbs of cat food and litter back from the store thru city traffic.

-- Dennis Law (PaulLaw@aol.com), October 04, 1999.

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