Russia Gas Seeks Y2K Upgrade : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Russia Gas Seeks Y2K Upgrade


"Russia's gas monopoly Gazprom said Thursday that 9,000 of its 28,000 computers were not ready for the Year 2000 computer bug. Gazprom plans to replace 3,300 of the 9,000 computers by October, and to modify others that might cause problems in the new year, Gazprom said in a statement."

Tee hee, they announced TODAY that they will be ready by October but they still need to replace 3,300 computers.

I gotta run to PetCo and stock up on cedar shavings for my cage while I still have time !

-- hamster (, September 30, 1999


Gives new meaning to "cold day in hell".

-- Bill (, September 30, 1999.

If Japan is toast, Russia sounds like burnt and blackend crumbs.

-- cody (, September 30, 1999.

Based on their calendar, they have until some time in November.

-- nothere nothere (, September 30, 1999.

anita, et al. they're probably hiring.

-- sarah (, September 30, 1999.

There's another version of this story making the rounds, an example is this Reuters piece on y2ktoday:

Russia Gazprom Says 96 Percent Ready for Y2K

"Russian gas monopoly Gazprom said on Wednesday its computerised operations were 96 percent ready to face possible Y2K problems. It said in a statement that the company would replace 5,500 computers out of 9,000 vulnerable to the year 2000 problem and modify the remaining stock..."

The Wall Street Journal also has a 96% ready story.

Don't these reporters question ANYTHING anymore? Let's see... 28,000 computers, 9,000 are "Y2K vulnerable", 3,300 or 5,500 need to be replaced, (NONE of these stories indicate that anything has been replaced yet, it's always "plans to" or "will replace") how does one get "96 percent" ready based on those numbers? Can someone please explain this?

-- pshannon (, September 30, 1999.

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