Can this be right ??? (developing times) : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I just bought my first batch of chemicals in 20 years. Things have changed! Please verify that the times the salesman gave me are correct. It seems to me that they are way too short for fiber based papers.

1. Ilford Developer mixed 1:14 (to bring out the tone) 3 mins. 2. Stop Bath 30 secs. 3. Ilford Rapid Fix - 1 minute 4. Wash for 5 mins. 5. Perma wash mixed with Selenium (Selenium mixed 1:50) 5 mins. 6. Final wash 2 mins.

How can this be true? I think I used to fix for 10 mins and wash for 60. Why use RC paper at all if this is the case?

-- Craig Brown (, September 29, 1999


Only the final wash sticks out as too short - you need more for archival processing (30-60 mins depending on paper etc). The other times seem ok. The confusion with fixing times may be becuase you may be thinking of fixing films - some films need 5 - 10 minutes to fix. DJ

-- N Dhananjay (, September 29, 1999.


This is right. The idea is you use Rapid Fix at film strength (twice normal paper strength) in two short baths, 30 seconds in each. Then the wash time can be very short since the fix has not had time to soak into the paper base. Also the use of the wash aids helps.

-- Terry Carraway (, September 30, 1999.


You have hit the nail on the head. With the Ilford processing system, RC doesn't make much sense! The recommended archival processing sequence is on the instruction sheet with every box of paper. I personally fix for 60 seconds, wash for 5 minutes, use Ilford Wash Aid for 10 minutes, then wash for another 5 minutes per Ilfords instructions. Only then do I tone in 20:1 selenium for 6 minutes and then wash again for 10 minutes. Combining the selenium toning with the wash aid may be OK. I've heard others that do that.

-- Gene Crumpler (, September 30, 1999.

One other thing. I'm using Ethol LDP paper developer, rather than ilford. LPD lasts for months, at full strenght gives very deep blacks on MG VI FB(better than Ilford), and is non-irratating to the hands(a problem for me). I no longer have dry patches on my hands with LPD.

-- Gene Crumpler (, September 30, 1999.

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