Anyone have this popcorn popper? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread | am thinking about buying one of these. Should be back in stock in a couple of weeks, according to the web site.
-- Carol (, September 29, 1999
Yes, we do.The aluminum is pretty light weight, but it does a really good job, popping probably 98% or more of the kernels. And it is fast.
-- Jon Williamson (, September 29, 1999.
We have one too.....It is just what Jon said, very fast and effecient. You can add ingredients to the oil in the pan and make flavored popcorn. It doesn't take much heat to get it going because it is so thin. That's also a good price they're offering....unless shipping and handling cause it to be too high.Sylvia
-- Sylvia (, October 01, 1999.