Easy CD Creator 4 - Won't recognise video CD mpegs

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm using Pinnacle Studio MP10 to create MPEGs in VCD format. On trying to add the file into Adaptec EZCD 4 on the Wizard screen, it comes up with an error on "system reference clock" - what does this mean and how can I prevent it?

Any ideas for alternative software I could use, the cheaper the better?


-- Richard Sainsbury (sainsbrm@tinyonline.co.uk), September 26, 1999


VideoPack 4.0 from Cequadrat. Very nice & easy to use to make VCD 1.1 & 2.0 vids.

-- FunOne (FunOne@tyler.net), September 26, 1999.

Richard, thanks for clearing up a question that was nagging me as to whether adaptec 4 or 3.5 could handle direct mpeg generated vcd files.

As I said in my posting "Adaptec 4" its about time users started sending the program back for a refund.

You may well be faced with a change in program, winoncd is a bit cheaper than the vidpack suggested - depends on use and or your end product requirements as to how much you might spend.

Actually the only way I have had adaptec accept my vcd mpegs is to totally reload w95 and it only allowed that on one new occassion after the reload, its now back to not accepting the files at all - rubbish bin stuff I am afraid because I am not going to reload w95 every time I wish to burn a cd in adaptec!

Winoncd at this point in time is more reliable but as Mr Martinez says it does not create a version 2 vcd with all the trimmings that vidpack will. Guess we get what we pay for sometimes.

-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), September 26, 1999.

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