Where will you be that night and what do you want with you?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

Well, i just got the word. I requested vacation leave for the period of 12/24/99-1/2/2000. I was told no vacation time-for anyone. I was also told no calling in sick unless I was struck down with a debilitating disease that was Physician verified-in writing. Since I will apparently be "here" (downtown Seattle) i was wondering if anyone else will be stuck at work and what sort of possibles/B.O.B. they intended to assemble. Believe me, if I could kiss my employers good-bye and depart for the suburbs, I would.

-- Greg Lawrence (greg@speakeasy.org), September 25, 1999


I would recommend the type of bug out bag I have kept in my car for years as I live in LA, earthquake county. I picked up a used back pack at the salvation army, the type the kids use at school. I designed it for two main issues: Travel and staying over night. The overnight is handled by a one man sleeping "tent." This is really a plastic tube that can be supported by a rope between two trees. Overnight kit for teeth, ect. The rest is for travel if I am on foot. It contains tennis shoes, good socks, wool cap, rain poncho, sweater, flashlight, small radio, roll of toilet paper, bottle of water, first aid kit, sun screen, hat with visor, local city map, several emergency food bars, small jar of peanut butter and a roll of quarters. I would recommend you take the time to drive home from work along city streets in the way you would walk home. Look for places that you would want to avoid, places you might need to hide for a while, sources of water, ect. Doing it calmly now may help you find problems to avoid later.

-- smfdoc (smfdoc@aol.com), September 25, 1999.

Hey guys,

Please don't fall into that trap, things are not going to go "POOF" at midnight on the 31st. You should know by now that if trouble starts to happen, it will take days or weeks to start showing up. i don't look for things to start getting real bad until about the end of Jan.

-- waiting (waitand@see.xcom), September 25, 1999.

If you are expecting that kind of problems then you ought to be ready to kiss more than just your employers goodbye.

-- Gus (y2kk@usa.net), September 25, 1999.

I disagree. Things COULD go "poof" on 01 01 uh oh. No water + no electricity + no 911 system + alarmed, enraged, drunken, and/or larcenous citizenry = riots. Develop your bug-out bag. If there's no electricity and/or no telecom, what will you do at work? Fidget, worry, agonize and then you'll probably leave - right after the boss! Prepare for the worst scenario you can imagine - cover those bases!

-- mom (mom@mom.com), September 25, 1999.

Hope for the best, but plan to be prepared for the worst, WHENEVER it happens, because you can't predict exactly.

Great BOB lists at:


--excellent survivalist website, BTW

In Third World disasters, often more people die from exposure, or thirst (or dirty water) than the actual disaster. We may be sliding a lot closer to Third World status. Think like a backpacker--you may need to be totally self-sufficent for 'X' days. And store it in a backpack-able, grab and go pack.

Thus priorities are: Warm and Waterproof Clothing, Shelter, Fire Starting, Water (and Purification), Food and then don't forget first aid/meds, navigation, all the fuel and bits to keep your vehicle running, and self defense.





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-- CONCEALABLE BODY ARMOR (solutions@access1.net), September 26, 1999.

Thank you for your suggestions-and admonitions :)

-Greg Lawrence

-- Greg Lawrence (greg@speakeasy.org), September 26, 1999.

Three days of food, warmth, water, clothing, etc.

-- Mad Monk (madmonk@hawaiian.net), September 27, 1999.

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