How can I make steak sauce, like A-1? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My small son has developed a passion for skeak sauce, espcially ones that taste like A-1. Could anyone suggest a recipe or recipe source for a skeak sauce that would taste like this? Especially one I could can. Thank you.

-- Kathy Dice (, September 23, 1999


This is the recipie that I came up with when we were going through a bottle a meal. 24oz catsup, 4oz worchestire sauce, 4oz red hot (cyene pepper sauce) mix all together and put in a jar keep refrigated, you can tone it down by not using as much red hot, if you make your own catsup you could add the other ing. to make your steak sauce.

-- cynthia hale (, September 23, 1999.

Hi Kathy, I found a clone recipe for Heinz steak sauce but not A-1 (which is my favorite also! If you ever find the one for A-1 please let ME know!) the address is I tried to hyperlink this to make it easier for you but it would not take. Can anyone explain why we can't drag a hyperlink in here? JD, help please? Jane

-- Jane Gauch (, April 03, 2000.

Two other places to check is, and the first one gives me fits to get on, I had to get on it through Yahoo serch for kitchenlink. Then it took me to the recipes! Also Gail's Recipe Swap on MSN. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (, April 03, 2000.

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