Access advice : LUSENET : Connections Disability : One Thread

I work for an outdoor training company and waant to make it accessable for people in wheelchairs. It is based in the woods and on two different levels. The problem is getting a wheelchair bound person to the top level, when the only access is a steep slippy slope. Has anyone any ideas.

-- Rebecca Hargreaves (, September 23, 1999


Hi Rebecca, You raise an interesting isue here, outdoor activities for wheelchair users are few and far between. I know the Calvert Trust in Cumbria and the Lake District, have such facilities and would suggest you contact them. I don't unfortunatly, have a web address for them, but try a good search engine or should be able to locate them. When you reach the page for the search engine, type in the words Calvert Trust and you should be taken to their web site. If you have any problems, feel free to contact me, preferably at my own email address. Sincerely John

-- John McGovern (, April 24, 2001.

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