DP w/Digital Camera & Editing Available

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

MICHAEL CONDRO DP/Camera Operator/Motion Control Operator/Visual Effects Voicemail: (818) 254-6086 E-mail: Condro@pacbell.net 7 Member IATSE Local 600 / Strong Visual Effects Background 7 Proficiency-8mm,16mm,35mm,65mm,Vista Vision,Beta Cam,Digital formats 7 AVAILABLE FREELANCE: Own Cannon XL-1 Digital Camera and lighting package

In addition to my studio feature film experience (10+ years experience on big budget features), I have most recently shot a documentary, short film, several cable TV pilots as well as an independent feature horror film digitally. In addition to my services, I am able to edit digitally (Final Cut) and provide both a grip and lighting crew. I am willing to travel and would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about my resume at my website: http://members.tripod.com/condro_michael/index-4.html/ Please feel free to contact me at the above number. MAC

-- Michael Condro (Condro@pacbell.net), September 20, 1999

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