Value of Milkglass Hobnail Punch Bowl ,cups and ladel : LUSENET : The Exchange: A Forum for Antiques and The Arts : One Thread

I would like to no what my Milk glass Hobnail Punch bowl is worth. It has 16 cups and a solid ladel with it. I beleive it is from the early 50's.I would like to no any good referance books on early milk glass ware.

-- Brenda Peterson (, September 20, 1999


Brenda, Again, I am reccommending the book Collectible Glassware of the 40's 50's 60's by Gene Florence. As I type, I am looking in an old version of the book. The only Milkglass that is listed as Hobnail is called English Hobnail. According to Gene, this pattern was produced from the 1920's until Westmoreland Glass Co. closed in 1983. He says that the milkglass was made very late. He doesn't list any prices on the milkglass version of the punch set, but the amber or crystal versions (as of 1996) are worth $351.00 . I hope this helps.

-- Kat (, April 12, 2000.

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