Does sell ntsc video cd's or pal? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Does sell ntsc video cd's or pal? How do I know if what I'm buying from them is pal or ntsc. If they sell only pal what is a good online vcd retailer that sells ntsc vcd's? Is there any difference between the two formats when playing vcd's on compute
-- Daniel Tsarevsky (, September 20, 1999
I always check with them before I order, they might able to help you out. In Asian, epecially Malaysia and singapore, they don't care about NTSC or PAL as the VCD player can play both format without any problem. You migh find that they have mixture. Ask them!
-- VM (, September 20, 1999.
PCs and all stand-alone VCD players will play VCD correctly and automatically whether PAL or NTSC. Bad luck for those living in the USA, because it seems that their TVs will only accept NTSC signals.Good luck for the Aussies, because all their TVs are imported from Asia. Most of their recent TVs will detect PAL or NTSC signals and automatically adjust accordingly. Nobody here cares a damn whether their VCDs are PAL or NTSC type. This feature is applicable to their VHS tape players and their tapes as well (mostly all done automatically too).
AS for DVD, the 'zoning' system is a killer. Latest way around this is to buy from ASia or some Aussie's stores an 'all zones' DVD player.
-- TOMO (, September 20, 1999.
Just be careful about ordering from them. A lot of their movies are censored (which they don't mention). If that doesn't bother u, go ahead and order.
-- John Bar Eli (, November 23, 1999.