DogGone: Heard Anymore Re Saudi Oil Ports?? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

You posted a short time back regarding the lack of progress in Saudi Oil ports....heard anymore yet?

-- jeanne (, September 20, 1999


DogGone: I'm bumping this over to NEW ANSWERS just in case that is the only place you check in on this forum.

-- jeanne (, September 20, 1999.


DG and I have the same contact. Here was his update from last week.

Well, It is finally becoming apprent that the Y2k issue issomewhat larger than a United States problem. The crux of the matter rests on the reality that manymid-east nations there has been a massive renovation of the infrastructure. As an example, it is easier and faster to get a cell phone than to get a wire phone. Soooo if there is a hiccup in the cellular system there is no massive wire bsd system to back it up. This same logic is applicable for nearly every quarter. The reality of this is just now beginning to occur tothemid-east leadership. Thats not to say that there has not been personnel that are aware and attempting to influence their leadership. SAMA orchestratd this series of meetings due to the fragility and criticality of the financial networks here. One thing that Americans fail to realize is that for a large extent, the older surplus 386's and 486's that US firms have surplused have found their way to various "other" countriesnd to a large degree arewhat is use for infrastructure support. That, is probably the largest perceived problem facing the meeting. In a realistic sense the financial networks are OK. But interms of the telecom systems, defense systems andto a large degree private enterprise utilize OLD technology. Yesterdays meting was for the most part a primer on what Y2k is andthe potential impacts. Tomorrow is a series of break-out so begin to foster mutual supportand assurance agreements. The cool part is that thre is NO US politicrats here ('cept some embassay flunkies). I guess if they can't be in charge they don't want to play. There WAS a lot of head nodding between the Saudi representative and an "unofficial" attendee from Iran. Quiet words have it tht the Saudi's are nervous about Saddam doing something dumb on New Years. I would anticipate some kind of joint Y2K support communique from Saudi/Iran soon. I don't now how much I can talk about. There is a feeling that most all nations represtend here are gonna "raise their skirts" to share data about Y2 an there is tal of a "mutual cooperation agreement/treaty" as a proposed final report. More to follow as time and permission warrants.

-- Paul Hepperla (, September 20, 1999.

Thanks, Paul!

-- Dog Gone (, September 20, 1999.

Hell, they don't need no stinkin computers to take our money! When those oil rigs start shuttin down the Arabs are just going to jack the price. Instead of selling us 5 barrels for $20 each, they'll sell us 1 barrel for $100. In the meantime they'll be suing the piss out of the U.S. companies that built their "American Made" oil rigs until they get them running again.

-- @ (@@@.@), September 20, 1999.

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