MPEG 2 AVI : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is there a program out there that will convert an MPEG file to an AVI? I'd like to use Adobe Premiere to edit my video clips; for example, add transitions, fade in, or fade out. For some strange reason Premiere doesn't want to play my MPEGs correctly, but with AVIs it plays and edits them just fine.

-- S.J. (, September 19, 1999


Yes there's a program out there called VirtualDub that's writen by someone with a 'cris' in his URL (couldn't exactly remember which). It's a very good app, and is completely free. Basically, you open your mpeg file in it. It first parses your file and identifies the keyframes. After you've done what you need (filtering, cutting, etc.) VirtualDub forces you to save the file in some .avi format. It even has direct copy mode that will do exactly what you need. Right, here is the URL :) :)

-- EMartinez (, September 20, 1999.

You can use Mpeg2Avi to convert an MPEG File in Avi File. Going To to download this tool and to Rippers Category. If you have a problem! Mail me!

-- VCD MASTER (, February 11, 2000.

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