experience wtih Ilford Multigrade 400 enlarging head

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Would like to know people's experiences with the Ilord Multigrade 400 VC enlarging head. Would you buy it again? What Did it cost new? Thanks

-- Michael Mathers (mmathers@home.com), September 18, 1999


I've got two and I'm expecting to get a third one soon, though I am only using one. I'm concerned mostly about parts. I love the thing and don't miss grade 5... hell, I never use above 3. Some infrared negs need Grade 0 but most of what I print is between 1 and 2 1/2. Split filtering is a gas and you can do it on the fly, like burning with a higher contrast, or printing on grade 1 1/4 by changing the mix in the middle of exposure from 1 to 1 1/2 (there is a difference).

Don't pay more than $200 though, they're at least 10 years old. Try to get a foot switch and get all the extras available, formats come and go (in my life) and it really helps to have the right mixing chambers for the one you're printing...t

-- tom meyer (twm@mindspring.com), September 28, 1999.

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