ot???????brownout in bothell

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

We just hjad a "major brown out " here in Bothell - 5:57 P. M.

anywhere else????

-- Same as b4 (NWPhotog@foxcomm.net), September 14, 1999


We had a power outage (Kekaha, Kauai, Hawaii) this morning...

-- Mad Monk (madmonk@hawaiian.net), September 14, 1999.

I finally had my power go out when I turned 87. However, until that point I was an eager beaver!

-- dh (dh@aol.com), September 14, 1999.

Bet there's about to be a number of blackouts on the SE US Atlantic coast, but suspect these won't be Y2K-related.


-- MinnesotaSmith (y2ksafeminnesota@hotmail.com), September 14, 1999.

Whoa! That must have been something! So, what happened, did everyone think it was a raid? Was there just a lot of wild groping?

Oh, wait ... "Bothell". Sorry, I misread the name.

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.com), September 14, 1999.

King of Spain! You have sex on the brain! Go to your old lady and tell her to stop depriving you!

-- dan (dandan@thecarpetman.com), September 14, 1999.

My power went out on 9-9-99, when I called city light, their message said it only involved a small area. Never did find out what did it. Usually I don't loose power whe other areas do, the last time was from a car hitting a power pole.

-- Cherri (sams@brigadoon.com), September 15, 1999.

I thought, at first glance, it was brownout in brothel. I said to myself "damn, now where can I get some rear action?"

-- BF (BF@a_probe.com), September 15, 1999.

Talk about WTSHTF.

-- Mr. Blond (favors@f/f.yum), September 15, 1999.

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