Solar : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread |
Anyone seen plans for building the solar stills? Best way I can think of for having pure water. Thanks, Dooda
-- Dooda (a@a.a), September 11, 1999
Hi!, Dooda...This is a site with lots of info including solar stills, solar box cookers, solar heaters, solar ovens, solar dehydrators, etc.Check out the rest of the site as's amazing!
I hope this helps...
Ray in OKC, OK on 09/11/1999
-- ray (, September 11, 1999.
Dooda, sorry about that...I hit the submit button just as I realized that I forgot to give the url, I'm going to try for a hotlink:[url][/url]
...crossing my fingers..:-)
Ray in OKC
-- Ray (, September 11, 1999.
Well, that didn't work Dooda, I am, at this moment, severely 'hot-link challenged'. :(Here is the complete url:
Ray in OKC, OK
-- ray (, September 11, 1999.
Thanks much. I did see the plans on the site you mentioned. I'll let you all know how it came out. Dooda
-- Dooda (a@a.a), September 11, 1999.