I-TRANSACT CARTgreenspun.com : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread |
I installed the I-Transact version of S-Mart unsucessfully. No server errors, but following the documentation on exactly where to put the files, resulted in "file not found" errors once the quesry string was attached to the URL. I aslo downloaded the smartadmin script from the S-Mart site since it is NOT even offered on the I-Transact site. Will this admin script work with the I-Transact version, assuming I can get it working?Thanks!!!
-- dennis shimkoski (websites@novahosting.com), September 11, 1999
Dennis,I just finished installing the iTransact scripts, smart.cgi, smart.cgf & valid.cgi. The only 'file not found' errors I got was when I had the wrong path to perl. iTransact has the path to perl set at the top of the scripts as /usr/bin/perl. After I discovered the proper path /usr/local bin/perl or /usr/bin/perl5. You probably already know all this but I thought I would try to help as I know how frustrating it is when you can't complete a task and there is no one to ask. I have a reasonable understanding of how to set up the directories and files. I hope this helps but let me know more specifics if you wish.
By the way, I can't find a fix to my iTransact problem. If you get a chance please read my question of 10/22/99 "Internal Server Error".
-- George Lanoue (glanoue@ix.netcom.com), October 23, 1999.