password for Rick Cowles EU forum? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Could someone please email me directly with Rick Cowles new password for this forum?



-- Dina McCullough (, September 08, 1999


You need to email him directly. He'll send it to the email addy that you give. He will not accept "anomymized" addy's. This was done because of the extreme amount of trolling that was occurring on his board.

Contact him. You'll have the password by tomorrow. Also, he changes it about every 45 days, and if you're not on his email list, you won't get the new one.

-- Dennis (, September 08, 1999.

Here's the Password for you:


-- Craig (, September 08, 1999.

Rick Cowles Electric Utilities and Y2K Forum: a.tcl?topic=Electric%20Utilities%20and%20Y2K

The EU Forum newly requires password access--contact Rick Cowles at to register.

-- Diane J. Squire (, September 08, 1999.


That wasn't very nice, giving out a bum password like that. The real one is:


-- Gordon (, September 08, 1999.

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