SCL "Fort Monmouth", What Type ? : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

I recently ran into the former SCL "Fort Monmouth" streamlined car in Yakima, WA and wondered if any one could tell me if it was a combine or another type of coach. I'd also be interested in any history of the car. As a side note, it was hooked to the former Central of Georgia observation car "Fort Benning". Thanks.


-- Tom Sinclair (, September 07, 1999


I have scanned photos of the car if anyone would like to take a look. Just post your e-mail and I'll forward them to you. Thanks.


-- Tom Sinclair (, September 07, 1999.

Tom - There was no such animal on the SCL, so this car has evidently been renamed for display purposes. One possible clue to its original name is that most SCL numbered cars had their number stamped into the upper right corner of the truck sideframe, so you could take a look at that. Also, sometimes the faint outline of the old lettering is still apparent if the original name or number was simply burnished off the stainless steel name board and not painted over. Comparing a photo of the car (if it hasn't been modified) to photos of SCL cars in service might at least pin down the series it came from. Larry Goolsby

-- Larry Goolsby (, September 07, 1999.

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