Negative, slide : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I am looking for a scanner that will scan and enlarge negatives, slides and prints, especially negatives and slides. I have heard that Nikon has such a scanner. I would like to have price, source and availablity. Thanks,
-- James H. Hale (, September 07, 1999
The Epson 800 does an excellent job with prints and slides. There is a bit of a learning curve with negatives. Cost ~$1000.
-- Jack Chase (, September 07, 1999.
I am currently using a Microtek ScanMaker 5. It is designed like a flatbed scanner for prints, but also has a seperate drawer for direct emulsion scans of negatives and transparencies (up to 8x10). Works like a charm.......the only drawback is the price, which I believe is around $5,000.
-- Adam DeKraker (, September 08, 1999.
The price of the Scanmaker 5 (which is the identical scanner to the Agfa Duo Scan but with different software) has recently dropped to around $2,000. I believe ClubMac has one at about that price
-- Howard Slavitt (, September 08, 1999.
The Scanmaker 4 also has a separate drawer for transparent materials. It costs a lot less then the 5. The scanmaker 4 has borderline resolution for 35 mm film but might be a good choice for low cost with the ability to scan larger formats.Two key questions: 1) what format negs/slides do you want to scan? The lower price scanners designed for negs/slides are for 35 mm only. The profesional quality film scanners for larger formats are expensive.
2) What quality are you looking for? Exhibition prints? Web graphics?
-- Michael Briggs (, September 11, 1999.
I don't know if it is distributed in the states, but there is an interesting scanner with a 125% or 150% hardware lighting capability for dense or underexposed transparencies and a 48 bits colour , 4,2D and 1200 x 2400 dpi made by japanese PFU and sold by Quato (Germany). It claims to be the best of its size and price. Info under or www.Quato.ded
-- Paul Schilliger (, September 12, 1999.
Tiping error above: should read and not ded
-- Paul Schilliger (, September 12, 1999.
the linocolor saphir ultra 2 is excellent and cheap.
-- chin-fan so (, September 14, 1999.