300mm f/2.8 AF-S + TC14e for shooting flying birds

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

As of today Nikon does not offer a 400mm f/5.6 AF-S lens. I am wondering if anybody has tried the 300mm f/2.8 AF-S with the TC14e convertor as a substitute for shooting flying birds and other quick moving animals. If so, what do you think of its focusing performance? Is it too big and heavy to hand hold for long?

-- Paul DiBiase (paulcanada1@yahoo.com), September 06, 1999


I've used a 300 AF-I w/TC14e with great results. Sharpness won't be a problem. The AF-I and AF-S autofocus speeds are similar (the AF-S is quieter) and fast enough for flying birds. I wouldn't want to hand hold the combo for long though. I would suggest you consider a good tripod/ballhead combination and possibly even the Wimberley Sidekick.

-- Geof Grieble (ggrieble@gte.net), September 08, 1999.

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