Colour head for Durst M605 : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread


I've just been offered an M605 B&W only, old but in good nick.

Can anyone tell me a) if it's possible to get a colour head for this (either current or secondhand) b) some idea of price c) if other spares (e.g. lensboards) are generally available or compatible with later/current models d) if I should buy it :-)

I've looked on most of the s/h sites and seen nothing to date.

-- Chris Cartwright (, September 06, 1999


Yes, I have a second hand M605 colour enlarger, so I guess you can get a colour head for it although I am sure it is going to be very hard to find one. Same goes for the other parts. Regular search of your local camera shops and newspaper may reveal something. Remember the colour head should come with a transformer as well.

I am using Siriotub lenboard for 50mm lens, I don't know if it is the correct ones for M605 but it works OK. Check if you can get a glassless carrier or glassless metal insert for your neg carrier - you will have a lot of trouble with dust particle if you use glass carrier.

In summary, the M605 is an excellent condenser enlarger but parts are difficult to find. Good Luck!

-- Michael Lee (, March 07, 2000.

The current SIVOPAR glassless insert sets will fit the M605.

The lens disc for a 50mm lens is SIRIOTUB; it's a recessed disc. The common flat LAPLA disc will work but only for longer lenses.

Jobo (US) is now distributing this model as the M605 Classic, so pieces and parts should be available from any Jobo dealer. Most likely they'll have to be special-ordered.

Somewhere or other I saw a price of about $1200 for the M605 Classic w/dichro head. I'm sure the dichro head is available separately, but brand-new would probably be ridiculously expensive.

-- John Hicks (, March 07, 2000.

Hi John, Are you sure the Sivopar will fit the old Sirioneg neg carrier? I have read the Jobo(US) website and the new M605 now comes with Sinoneg neg carrier which will take up to 6x7 format. The old sirioneg can only go up to 6x6. I've bought 2nd hand Sixoma masks for the neg carrier.

-- Michael Lee (, March 09, 2000.

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