Wollensak 135mm Enlarging Lensgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I have a Wollensak 135mm lens for my D2 enlarger. I have not used this particular lens -- I understand it's for 4x5. In looking at the lens, there are scratches on it and what seems to be dust between the elements. Is this going to cause problems when if I use it?
-- Mary (shutterbug_1@ivillage.com), September 04, 1999
It has to be a pretty large scratch before it shows up on a print, most of these old lenses show some scratches from being cleaned alot/improperly but they still function well. If you have access to another lens of simular focal length make a print with each one and see if there is any difference as far as quality of print, using the same neg with each lens. Pat
-- pat j. krentz (krentz@cci-29palms.com), September 04, 1999.
I had similar lens years ago - it was really old, early 50's or late 40's maybe..... and a little bit foggy, too. Considering the expense of film, processing materials and especially the printing paper I don't think its very reasonable to use inferior enlarging lens. You can get a good used lens for a few ten $'s.Sakari
-- Sakari Mdkeld (sakari.makela@koulut.vantaa.fi), September 07, 1999.
Even when brand new, that Wollensak lens was little more than an expensive paper-weight. How will you ever know how good you can be if you use inferior tools? Step up to the plate a buy yourself a new Rodenstock 150 mm for your 4X5 work. You won't regret it!
-- Michael D Fraser (mdfraser@earthlink.net), September 13, 1999.