Bean question(hummus) : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

When making hummus(or other bean paste)can dry beans be ground if I want a powder to mix later,or should I pulverize cooked beans and then dry dry it?I'm not sure if beans need to nutritionaly convert via boiling to a more digestable food like wheat flour does when it converts into gluten?Whole foods sells dried hummus mix(which I love)but it's quite expensive.Anyone know of an alternative way(any way)to make dry hummus mix?

-- zoobie (, September 03, 1999



Cook the beans fully. If the beans are under cooked you will experience symptoms from farting like a tea pot all the way down to severe gas cramps.

Keep your bean pot simmering and your...

-- eyes_open (, September 03, 1999.

Fart like a teapot. Now that's funny.

-- Dooda (, September 03, 1999.

toot! toot!

-- zoobie (, September 04, 1999.

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