How to connect a Nikon 950 with PC socket flash? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I own a Nikon 950. I can buy a Nikon Multi-Flash Sync Cord SC-18 or SC 19 that should plug it into a Nikon Flash. The problem is, I have another brand of flash that has a PC socket. How can I connect my Nikon 950 with my PC socket flash?

Best Regards Zane Kori

-- Zane Kori (, August 30, 1999


I have been going back and forth with the technical people at Nikon about using my newly purchased 950 with external studio lighting. I have purchased all of the accessories they recommended, and nothing works. Their latest (and final) answer was that it is not recommended that the 950 be used with external flash. Needless to say I am not pleased. The 950's ability to use external studio lighting is one of the main reasons that I purchased it.

The adapters I purchased were the Nikon AS -15SYNC TERM ADAPTER, and the AS - E900 MULTI FLASH ADAPTER.

Sorry that I cannot offer a solution to (OUR) problem! Regards -

-- Jamie Garris (, October 04, 1999.

Here's a solution:

Good luck. Larry

-- Larry Coltharp (, August 06, 2001.

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