ammonium thiosulfate : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I mix my own developers, fixers, etc. and now I am in need of some ammonium thiosulfate 60% solution. I have found suppliers but they sell only in bulk (55 gallon drums) and all I need is maybe 5 to 10 gallons for some testing. A 55 gallon drum would last a lifetime. Anybody got 10 gallons at a reasonable price. I already have one vendor ready to sell at $0.31/# delivered price (55 gallons). I'll be using it instead of sodium thiosulfate (of which I have PLENTY!!) in formulating an alkaline fixer. I live in eastern Arkansas.

-- Don Eastman (, August 28, 1999


I used to mix all my own chemistry, but I discovered that mixing fixer from scratch just didn't pay. Alkaline fixer is available from Photographer's Formulary. I develop in PMK and use a fixer made from Kodak Rapid Fixer Part A, which seems to work just fine.

-- Peter Hughes (, August 28, 1999.

This page on my site offers some sources for chemicals and supplies:

-- Ed Buffaloe (, August 30, 1999.

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