Where can you download Graphedit.exegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I looked all over the Microsoft DirectShow SDK, and I could not find a place to download it. I heard you can convert ASF to AVI. Thanks for any help!Microsoft DirectShow Site http://www.microsoft.com/directx/DXM/help/ds/c-frame.htm#default.htm
-- Jay (jlinkhome@yahoo.com), August 28, 1999
That's because MS like people to wear out their mouse buttons so they sell more mice ;)Anyway you want the Direct X Media SDK 6.0, not 6.1. You can download it from ftp://ftp.sinica.edu.tw/pub/win95_nt/ms_download/directx/6.0/dxm/sdk/e n/ or ftp://ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl/pub/mirror/Microsoft/MsDwnload/directx/6.0/dxm /sdk/en/
I'm not sure if you need all the files, but you'll need at least DXMWEB?.EXE.
-- Kevster (kevster@start.com.au), September 08, 1999.
try http://crodivx.hr-free.com/download.shtmlCU Meik
-- ML (blue-deep@gmx.de), September 22, 2001.
English: Graphedit.exe is in http://dvd.box.sk You need to type "graphedit" in the search box an clic the button. there will be a list of links. Try with the first (It works for me), te second, and so on. Espanish: Ir a la dirección http://dvd.box.sk en la casilla de buscar escribir "graphedit" ylusgo hacer clic en el boton. A mi me resulto el primero de la lista de respuesta. Si no te resulta verifica lo que pasa con los otros links.Ricardo Aroca www.ricardoaroca.com raroc001@pinhue.ufro.cl
-- Ricardo (raroc001@pinhue.ufro.cl), October 21, 2001.
There is a complete ASF to AVI conversion guide that tells you exactly how to use GraphEdit at http://www.divx- digest.com/articles/wmv2avi.html
-- Peter (peter@re.mo.ve.this.pol.cx), February 16, 2002.
You can find help on Graphedit and Graphedit.exe at http://www.digital4u.de.vu. cya Karl
-- Karl Koch (ben.c@gmx.net), April 05, 2003.