Graflock roll film back : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Hi everybody, I have a Calumet 45NX camera with rotating back. And I've just purchased a used RH8 roll film back. I basically couldn't figure out how to insert it. I know I have to remove the ground glass but it seems like camera back and the ground glass is unseperable. Do you have any idea how to remove it or this type of holder is unusable on this back? Thanks

-- Tolga Yayalar (, August 26, 1999


Are you sure that you camera has a Graflock back and not a simple spring back?? The roll film holder that you have is designed to be used with a Graflock back, in which the ground glass assembly can be removed by simply pressing on the spring arms, and sliding it to the right. If your camera has a spring back (where the glass assembly is not meant to be removed, then you need a "slide in" type roll film holder, like those sold be Calumet (as it's name indicates, it slides in under the glass).

-- sheldon hambrick (, August 26, 1999.

Thanks I've just figured it out. For a moment I thought I bought the wrong holder and panic. Thanks again.

-- Tolga Yayalar (, August 26, 1999.

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