A. Schacht enlarging lense

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I dusted off a Travegar, f3.5, 75 mm enlarging lense made by A. Schacht Ulm that I heve had for a number of years. I would appreciate comments regarding the quality of the lense.

-- Karl Almquist (kalmquist9@aol.com), August 25, 1999


Schacht made a popular range of lenses for 35mm cameras introduced to the UK in the sixties. The Travenar telephoto was a typical example. Why not do some practical tests with your lens? A good test negative is a cut up microfiche film, placed diagonally in your neg carrier, and alongside this put a coarse grain screen (Paterson make one). Put a 2" wide strip of printing paper in your easel, and set enlarger to your usual degree of enlargement. Use a good grain magnifier and focus carefully. Make test strips starting at full aperture and then say, down to 4 stops. This should tell you all you need to know. Good printing!

-- Clifford Brown. (clifford.brown@dial.pipex.com), August 28, 1999.

Make a print. That's the best way. Is it sharp and have trhe right contrast or doesn't it? Easy enough. James

-- james (james_mickelson@hotmail.com), August 28, 1999.

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