Wa Computer Glich?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
The postperson delivered a notice for my car tabs today for June. Trouble is I had payed for them back in June. Neighbor received the same for June. Wonder how many of these were mailed out? Stay tuned.Martin
-- Martin Thompson (Martin@aol.com), August 20, 1999
Got a notice my (paid up) tabs were expired here in Pierce County WA today,too. I called and they told me to ignore it.BUT I AM CONCERNED THAT THE OFFICIAL RECORD MAY SAY THAT THEY ARE EXPIRED. THEY OFFERED NO INFORMATION ON THAT. That could make for insurance problems. The pierce country auditor's office hung up after quickly stating "it was an erroneous mailing, tear it up" They keep assuring us they are Y2K compliant here it Washington, but believe me it is all PR bullshit.
-- Ann Fisher (zyax55b@prodigy.com), August 21, 1999.
This problem was mentioned on KOMO4 news at 6:30 but could not find it on their web site. Cost to the state 100,000+. Also said if you paid again they would refund it.Also wil be reported on the KIRO7 11 PM news
-- Martin Thompson (Martin@aol.com), August 21, 1999.
I received one as well, I just thought - 'how many more wierd things am I gonna get like this?
-- Sammie Davis (sammie0nospam@hotmail.com), August 21, 1999.
Watched the 11 PM news. Here is the scoop. 460,000 duplicates mailed out. Cost $190,000. A computer glitch is responsible(seems like a lot of those lately) Am I getting paranoid?Martin
-- Martin Thompson (Martin@aol.com), August 21, 1999.