Man arrested for plot to blow up energy supply : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Apologies if this has already been posted somewhere. Today's Boston Globe carried the following Reuters story out of Canada (I don't know if there is a link available):"Man is arrested in Y2K bomb plot - Vancouver - A Canadian has been arrested in connection with a plot to blow up energy supply systems in the United States and Canada and make it appear that the attacks were related to the Y2K bug, police said yesterday. Alfred Reumayr or New Westminster, British Columbia, is accused of trying to hire a US citizen to "disrupt various energy systems in the United States and Canada" in an apparent extortion effort, officials in both countries said."
There are so many reasons I could be without power next year, it is almost irrelevant to me what assurances my local utility provides. One of my major concerns is terrorism, but that isn't the sort of topic you can bring up with your friends. Articles like this in local establishment rags will help establish there is a real threat out there.
-- Brooks (, August 20, 1999
FBI teams with Michigan Militia to thwart those who would do just that sort of thing
-- lisa (, August 20, 1999.
A tv report explained that after loading up on crude oil futures he was going to blow up the Alaska pipeline, blame it on y2k and get rich. Crooks don't get it either I guess.
-- harvey adamson (, August 20, 1999.
Our dearest Brooks,It seems you are so paranoid these days!!!!
Perchance you have been attending too many New England Time Bomb dinners???????
Come now, surely the pollies will give us some good reason why these concerns of yours are overblown.
Terrorism? Huh, in the US? Why I was just in the World Trade Center and I saw a building that surely is impervious to terrorist threats.
End of sarcasm: it seems what people fear these days in not fear, but truth.....
-- walter (, August 20, 1999.
Walter - Speaking as a "polly" (a term I have been saddled with, even though I am prepping, but I dare to question the doomer "truth" at times), I would love to know when and where we said terroisim would not happen? Personally, years before I had even heard the term Y2K, I was telling friends I feared terroist attacks around the turn.So don't let the "truth" get in your way either. You obivouslly can read our minds.
-- full of questions and more (, August 21, 1999.