Sewage Back Up/How do we plug it? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Can the sewage be plugged prior to rollover, in the event that the sewer system doesn't work. I want the stop the sewage from flowing out of my toilet. Anyone know how this can be done?

-- queitly (, August 19, 1999


My brother is a plumber and has my home ready to be taken off-line, if necessary, from the sewer system. You simply must locate the typically 8" pipe where all of your internal water flows away from your house in. Will be in a basement or crawl space or possibly even underground outside. Locate this line and be prepared to cut it off from your house. Then place a cap that you can buy for a few dollars at any Lowe's, Home Depot, Home Quarter's, etc., onto this line using the proper PVC glue. Most of these lines today are typical PVC{white piping). You then must re-route the line you cut to another area that you can use as the "dumping ground". You will have to dig a big hole or you can do what I did and bury a large 55 gallon drum and attach some field line to it and have yourself a mini-septic tank system.

If this all sounds too difficult, consult a good plumber. You'll need some lime which you can buy at any hardware store for a few dollars to sprinkle in your "hole". Old-timers use to throw a handful of lime every week into the hole of their outhouse to eat up the contents.

Best of luck to you...


-- don (, August 19, 1999.

Here's some Forum links with sewage discussions; there's more, but can't find them in labyrinthe archives. The uncategorized page alone takes a lloooonnnggg time to load!

sewage question

Sanitation/Sewage in the cities: Health risks???

Sewers Backing Up Into Houses?

Septic Tanks ... I mean Thanks? WARNING: Long story!

Septic Tanks ... I mean Thanks? WARNING: Long story!

Okay, let's talk about backed up sewers, etc.

Back to the sewers... my mind must be in the gutter!

Sewer Systems

Found a Water/Sewer Site

Sewer backup during Y2K? NO PROBLEM! Put bike innertube in sewer pipe and start pumping!

Calling all Plumbers! How do you stop your toilet and drains from backing up?

How do I keep sewage from backing up into my home?

@}->-- 3~0 3~0 3~0 3~0 3~0 3~0 3~0 @}->-- 3~0 3~0 3~0

-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (, August 19, 1999.

Folks, if the sewers back up into these Yuppies' houses, the terms Republican and Democrat will become footnotes in history books!

-- K. Stevens (kstevens@It's ALL going away in, August 19, 1999.

thunderjugs,honey-bucket,s pee-pail,s-we,re common, on the old farm.

-- i remember when. (, August 19, 1999.

If everyone during Y2K used a butplug, there would be no sewer back up!

-- But plug (, August 19, 1999.

Ahhh, folks,

Cutting off the sewer line is a good idea, but then what? Running the line out back to a hole in the ground or some 55 gal drums is fine, IF you have water...what is you don't?

Some links:

For people with a few extra $,

For people without extra $, wastewater management/alternative_methods_of_greywater_disposal.htm

Well you get the idea. Some where out there I saw a free sourse for complete plans w/diagrams and detailed instructions for the do it yourselfer two seater for less than $100 parts.

By following the links you will get the idea of how it works. Simple and easy to use/build.

-- CT (ct@no.yr), August 19, 1999.

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